Dangggg!!! its been awhile since my last blog update! well everybody is busy with this and that lebih2 lagi yang PRU 13. PRU 13 makes me high blood for serious. Okay, semalam my 24th birthday dan sepanjang kehidupan ni banyak benda yang aku dah tengok dan lihat. Macam-macam ragam manusia. The point is the older you are,the more you get the experience. Last month, i met this one guy. Ya, i know him from his brother actually. I dont mean to ngorat him haha.. seriouly his face was tooooo familiar to me. I told his brother that he's look like one of my ex schoolmate. Then a few hours later he add me in facebook la.. #kemonnnlahh siapa x pernah kena situasi ni??? haha
So the story begin. He is too straight a head u know.. terus terang terlalu cepat. Then i dont know when, why we are getting closer. Maybe we share the same interest i guess yang jadi "BOOSTER" untuk kami lebih "click"... we share lot of random story...we talk bout nonsense things, we cursing sometimes.. haha.. thats the bad things! We come from the different mainstream. # He LAUGH his ASS when i said that im a big fans of ADAM LEVINE# pffttt.. But that is not a big deal, what makes me proud of him is his determination. To be honest he is AWESOME in his own way.. there is certain things that make me really touched on my 24th birthday is he makes me realize im no longer a little girl.. im already 24 years old. # its not too old actually haha#
So, today update is just to say a big thank you to you...for becoming my friend,good friend of mine,my partner in crime, and someone. You make me learn so many things, the short time we took to know each other brings us this closed. May our "undescribeable" relationship remains. Stand still with other, fight for each other, and holding each other hands to face all the obstacle. :') *ade ke ayat mcm ni* hahaha
P/S: u know who you are. if u read this.
The witch lady.. :)
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013
Let's Share the taste buds!
Sorry sebab baru update blog....sangat busy dan sangat busy... haha..tambah sekarang musim demam..beta pun demam... hauhauahau... habis antibiotik pun masih demam lagi... dah nasib badan... tapi ape pon sekarang dah gagah la sikit untuk update blog ni...pasal makanan pula tu.. dapat ilham lepas birthday one of my colleague cikgu danny... ade kek rainbow.. so my taste buds tu pon jatuh cinta pada rasa kek tu..so here i just want to share with all of u resepi kek rainbow. :) Enjoy! dan jangan lupa untuk mencuba ya!
2 1/4 cups cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups milk or buttermilk
4 large egg whites ( I guna 6 biji telur putih)
¾ cup sugar (Resepi asal guna 1 1/2 cawan ya)
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
125gm unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon pure lemon extract
Gel or powder food coloring (ikut suka korang ya!)
2 tsp vanilla essence (I tambah sendiri ya)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups milk or buttermilk
4 large egg whites ( I guna 6 biji telur putih)
¾ cup sugar (Resepi asal guna 1 1/2 cawan ya)
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
125gm unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon pure lemon extract
Gel or powder food coloring (ikut suka korang ya!)
2 tsp vanilla essence (I tambah sendiri ya)
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and put a rack in the middle or upper third of the oven. Butter two 5 inch pans and line with buttered parchment paper.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. I whisked the mixture using hand for about 1 minute.
3. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer on medium speed for a full 3 minutes until very light and fluffy.
Beat in half of the egg-buttermilk mixture, then flour mixture, then the last of the egg-buttermilk mixture, and finally the last of the flour, beating until the batter is smooth. Beat the entire batter on medium high for two minutes until completely smooth and mixed.
4. Divide the batter in 6, dye each batter with different colour. Bake 20 minutes, rotating halfway through, or until a thin knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the pans five minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack. To ensure moistness, once the cakes are cooled, wrap immediately and chill.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. I whisked the mixture using hand for about 1 minute.
3. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer on medium speed for a full 3 minutes until very light and fluffy.
Beat in half of the egg-buttermilk mixture, then flour mixture, then the last of the egg-buttermilk mixture, and finally the last of the flour, beating until the batter is smooth. Beat the entire batter on medium high for two minutes until completely smooth and mixed.
4. Divide the batter in 6, dye each batter with different colour. Bake 20 minutes, rotating halfway through, or until a thin knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the pans five minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack. To ensure moistness, once the cakes are cooled, wrap immediately and chill.
For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
4 ounces butter, at room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
4 ounces mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
4 ounces butter, at room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
4 ounces mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
To make the frosting: Using the whisk attachment, whip the butter and cheese on high speed for about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl down as necessary. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar until all is incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix to combine. Increase the speed to medium high and whip for a few minutes until the frosting is light and fluffy, scraping the bowl as necessary.
*** kalau i suka letak chocolate diantara layer cake tu... letak cadbury dairy milk saja yer... jgn letak masa kek tu tgh panas...nti cair plak chocolate tu... kek ni sgt sesuai utk birthday taw. :) Good luck guys!
Lady Lucia,
Friday, 25 January 2013
the new born dearest!
Dang! 22 Jan 2013 last few days satu family kita orang dikejutkan dengan the good news... **aku balik sekolah,my uncle send a text to me and said that i have a new cousin! Its a boyyyyy guys!!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaa... 1st, am speechless...hahaha....lama la juga aku x reply text uncle aku.... then lepas 10 minit baru aku inform dekat family aku.... and today, baru jumpa dengan the new family members! he's so damn cuteeeeeee tapi malangnya, aku jenis bukan yang into babies haha...especially new born baby... bukan ape, aku takut pegang baby baru lahir sebab dorang sangat kecil dan lembut lagi...aku takut kalau-kalau aku pegang tiba-tiba dia rasa sakit kaa.... tu la yang aku takut tu... lagi satu aku tak suka bau baby baru lahir..hahaha..my mom cakap aku pelik! YEAH WEIRDO!!!!!!!!!! booooo..shame on me! :P
Tapi adik aku la yang paling suka...dia bagi baby Dylan mandi, tukar lampin baby Dylan... perggghhhh...bab tu memang aku FAILED!!!!! nomnomnom,.... tapi kesian kat mummy Dylan... mummy Dylan kena Cesarean hari tu... dia pun cerita macamana proses Cesarean tuuu.... DAMN! menakutkaaannnnn booooooo...**dizzynesssss**********
Okay i think enough for now.... WARM WELCOME TO THE NEW BORN BABY DYLAN!
the witch lady!
Tapi adik aku la yang paling suka...dia bagi baby Dylan mandi, tukar lampin baby Dylan... perggghhhh...bab tu memang aku FAILED!!!!! nomnomnom,.... tapi kesian kat mummy Dylan... mummy Dylan kena Cesarean hari tu... dia pun cerita macamana proses Cesarean tuuu.... DAMN! menakutkaaannnnn booooooo...**dizzynesssss**********
Okay i think enough for now.... WARM WELCOME TO THE NEW BORN BABY DYLAN!
the witch lady!
Thursday, 24 January 2013
After the 3 years Struggles
Sedar tak sedar dah 3 bulan aku tinggalkan zaman pengajian...too many things happen sepanjang pengajian...everything is blend very well....sampai satu tahap it comes out macam COOL BLOG! **i love cool blog after all** LOL... So my big day was on Sept 23rd 2012...at last...sampai juga di penghujung jalan... when i look back...there is so many things i should be thankful... terutama to my parents... ya la...zaman kecik-kecik sapa yang tak nakal..betul x? bohong laa kalau kata kau bagus sangat... gara-gara x mahu p sekolah aku cakap yang aku ni sakit perut...tapi padahal mana ada sakit perut ponn... <--im lying to my parents! haha.. masa tu i was 7 ok..so dimaafkan... :)
Bila makin besar..every night akan ada spotcheck buku latihan! pergghhh aku paling anti masa spotcheck that doing by my own dad.... aku rebelious gila... sebab x siap homework... ok..itu masa kecik ok.. **poyooo** tapi ada bagusnya juga bila kena macam tu...bila besar ni baru tau benda tu untuk kebaikan...
Dan sekarang.... tak sampai sebulan la dah masuk ke satu fasa yang baru...working world! memang susah nak fit yourself in with new environment..new people..new friends... serba serbi baru...terutama paling perlu di ubah cara berfikir dan perlu bersikap berdiri di atas kaki sendiri... semua keputusan terletak di bahu sendiri... bila sampai satu tahap kita sendiri tak tau nak decide kita nak buat pilihan yang mana satu... dan perlu memberi ilmu kepada orang lain...
after all the struggle that i need to face... i was with them... everyday....with their cute tiny little finger..innocent eyes... cute question...and loved by them.... one day am gonna miss them...so much.... they captured my heart...
Bila makin besar..every night akan ada spotcheck buku latihan! pergghhh aku paling anti masa spotcheck that doing by my own dad.... aku rebelious gila... sebab x siap homework... ok..itu masa kecik ok.. **poyooo** tapi ada bagusnya juga bila kena macam tu...bila besar ni baru tau benda tu untuk kebaikan...
Just this :) |
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and now..i was standing in front of these cutes people... |
the witch lady!
Well helloooooo!!!!!! lama juga x update blog ni! fuhh it was soooooo lame... :p
Okay...let see..what am i going to say? okay...feelings... kau tau ape itu perasaan? ya...perasaan...something that u have to deal with... **secara personal** and only u know how to deal with it... boooo aku rasa macam poyo je nak tulis pasal "FEELINGS" haha...sebab? aku sendiri kadang-kadang tak tau apekejadah 'FEELINGS" tu. Sebenarnya, "FEELINGS" **penat asyik tulis dalam bracket! :p okay...FEELINGS tu satu benda yang tak dapat kita zahirkan ataupun kita tunjukkan..tapi kalau kau dapat tunjukkan dalam bentuk objek...memang kau OHSOME! FEELINGS atau PERASAAN ni terdiri daripada pelbagai aspek sebenarnya... macam kalau kau SENTAP pon,tu pun boleh dikatakan FEELINGS... kalau kau CINTA kat seseorang tu pun itu juga kategori FEELINGS! well FEELINGS banyak kategori..kalau kau tengok kucing mati ka, kucing melahirkan anak ka...itu pun FEELINGS... atau EMPATI... sebenarnya feelings ni bagus...kalau x ada feelings, kau boleh jadi seorang ZOMBIE........... kau ZOMBIE? macam dalam cerita RESIDENT EVIL! pffftttt jadik contoh pulak** PERASAAN ni kalau tak terluah tu payah..pergghhhh macam lava gunung berapi la,kalau kau pendam lama-lama,akhirnya meletop jugakkan? so my advice here....kalau kau ada FEELINGS, just confess ja,...mengaku...kau sakit hati ka,kau jatuh cinta ka...kau benci or fedup ka....just bagitau... kadang-kadang kalau kau pendam...tu akan menimbulkan masalah...contohnya...tekanan perasaan... **aku bukan doktor..tapi aku rasa betul kot macam ni...hahha**
Last not least.... kalau kau ada perasaan..itu tandanya kau normal...tapi harus ingat..perasaan itu kita nak handle macamana...janganlah simpan perasaan yang bukan-bukan... simpan yang bagus-bagus sahaja. Well good luck guys! if you have to confess,just confess it...jangan menyesal x sudah! Be good and dearest!
Lady Lucia!
Okay...let see..what am i going to say? okay...feelings... kau tau ape itu perasaan? ya...perasaan...something that u have to deal with... **secara personal** and only u know how to deal with it... boooo aku rasa macam poyo je nak tulis pasal "FEELINGS" haha...sebab? aku sendiri kadang-kadang tak tau apekejadah 'FEELINGS" tu. Sebenarnya, "FEELINGS" **penat asyik tulis dalam bracket! :p okay...FEELINGS tu satu benda yang tak dapat kita zahirkan ataupun kita tunjukkan..tapi kalau kau dapat tunjukkan dalam bentuk objek...memang kau OHSOME! FEELINGS atau PERASAAN ni terdiri daripada pelbagai aspek sebenarnya... macam kalau kau SENTAP pon,tu pun boleh dikatakan FEELINGS... kalau kau CINTA kat seseorang tu pun itu juga kategori FEELINGS! well FEELINGS banyak kategori..kalau kau tengok kucing mati ka, kucing melahirkan anak ka...itu pun FEELINGS... atau EMPATI... sebenarnya feelings ni bagus...kalau x ada feelings, kau boleh jadi seorang ZOMBIE........... kau ZOMBIE? macam dalam cerita RESIDENT EVIL! pffftttt jadik contoh pulak** PERASAAN ni kalau tak terluah tu payah..pergghhhh macam lava gunung berapi la,kalau kau pendam lama-lama,akhirnya meletop jugakkan? so my advice here....kalau kau ada FEELINGS, just confess ja,...mengaku...kau sakit hati ka,kau jatuh cinta ka...kau benci or fedup ka....just bagitau... kadang-kadang kalau kau pendam...tu akan menimbulkan masalah...contohnya...tekanan perasaan... **aku bukan doktor..tapi aku rasa betul kot macam ni...hahha**
Last not least.... kalau kau ada perasaan..itu tandanya kau normal...tapi harus ingat..perasaan itu kita nak handle macamana...janganlah simpan perasaan yang bukan-bukan... simpan yang bagus-bagus sahaja. Well good luck guys! if you have to confess,just confess it...jangan menyesal x sudah! Be good and dearest!
Lady Lucia!
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